Sunday 26 January 2020


It is applicable (on a voluntary basis) to businessmen and professionals who are part of a group of entities linked to each other in the financial, economic and organizational orders, provided that each entity resides in the territory of application (Iberian Peninsula & Balearic Islands). 

The application of this regime places the entities that compose the group in the obligation of Immediate Information Supply. 


      The tax base is determined by differentiation between:
  1. INTRAGROUP OPERATIONS –The tax base is calculated as the cost of intragroup operations with supported VAT (goods & services), provided that those operations give the right to VAT deduction, in accordance with article 94 LIVA. 
  2.  OPERATIONS WITH OTHER ENTITIES (which do not belong to the group)- Each entity oft he group calculates and declares individually its own VAT.
To calculate the liquidation, the entities of the group will apply the SPECIAL PRORRATE.


This VAT scheme has two levels: normal & advanced (article 163 sexies cinco, in relation to article 163, octies, uno & tres LIVA).

·         NORMAL – each entity belonging to the group makes a group declaration, considering the deliveries and provision of services and the acquisitions and imports with respect to the entity it declares.

·         ADVANCED – The parent entity presents a single declaration for the entire group of entities, subject to the individual agreement of each of the subsidiary entities. 


The VAT scheme of group of entities requires the individual agreement of the entities that have opted for its application. The agreement must be adopted by the Board of Directors in the month of December of the year immediately preceding the one in which the agreement produces its effects and it has a minimum validity of 3 YEARS in case of normal level, and 1 YEAR, in case of advanced level. These deadlines are automatically extended, unless expressly waived. 

The VAT scheme of groups of entities will cease:
  1. in case INDIRECT ESTIMATION becomes mandatory or
  2. in case of breach of obligations arising from this VAT scheme (e.g.: declarations).

The parent entity is responsible for the compliance of tax obligations derived from the VAT scheme of groups of entities; both the parent and each of the dependents are responsible their own individual obligations (article 164 LIVA).

The parent company is responsible for: 
  1. COMMUNICATING TO THE SPANISH TAX OFFICE the fulfillment of requisites, the adoption of correspondent agreements, the option for the aplication of this VAT scheme, the list of entities belonging to the group, any modification that affects the VAT scheme, waiver of the VAT scheme, option for the advanced level and waiver to the advanced level. 
  2. SUBMITING PERIODIC AUTOLIQUIDATIONS of the group of entities.
  3. HAVING AN ANALYTICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM, based on reasonable criteria of imputation of goods and services used, directly or inderectly, totally or partially, in the performance of operations referred to in article of LIVA.
For further information:

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