Thursday, 30 January 2020



This optional special scheme allows that sales and services are recorded as revenues for VAT purposes when they are collected, deferring declaration and payment of output VAT. Consequently, input VAT can only be deducted when purchases are paid.

However, the cutoff date for the deferral is the 31st of December of the year following the performance of the operation.


Cash receipt approach can only be applied to taxable persons whose turnover in the previous calendar year has not exceeded €2.000.000. To calculate the turnover, VAT law takes:

·         all sales and services,

·         excluding

o   VAT

o   Sales equalization percentage (where appropriate)

o   Sales and services provided in previous years (where appropriate),

o   Occasional supply of real estate,

o   Supply of capital goods,

o   Supply of investment gold,

o   Financial operations

Operations excluded of cash receipt approach are considered to be carried out at the time of the operation.


Cash approach can be applied to all operations carried out in the territory of application of the tax but for

·         operations in simplified scheme or in the special schemes of agriculture, equalization, investment gold, services provide electronically or group of entities;

·         exports and EU operations;

·         EU acquisitions;

·         operations with reversal of taxable person;

·         imports and assimilated operations and

·         own use of goods and services.


VAT is accrued at the time of total or partial collection and only for the amounts actually collected. Consequently, the moment of collection must be proved.

The right to deduct input VAT arises at the time of total or partial collection, with a cutoff date of 31st December of the year following the performance of the operation.

For further information:

Wednesday, 29 January 2020


This declaration has necessary to be submitted in the month of January.

The General State Budget Law of 2018 (6/2018) provides the possibility of increasing maternity benefits up to 1000 euro, depending on the child’s birth date (article 81.2). Most specifically, deduction increase can be applied from the moth following to the birth, as follows:

  • Child born in January 2019………………. Deduction of 11/12 x 1000€
  • Child born in August 2019………………… Deduction of 4/12 x 1000€

In order to make this benefit effective, it is necessary that the nursery school submits to the Spanish Tax Office, an informative declaration No. 233. This declaration is to be submitted in the month of JANUARY of the year following the dates the information refers to (e.g.: information of 2019 is declared in January 2020).

The declaration contains information relating the identification and authorisation of the nursery school, child data, parents data, months in which the child has been in childcare, annual expenses and subsidized amounts (article 69.9). 

For further information: 

Sunday, 26 January 2020


It is applicable (on a voluntary basis) to businessmen and professionals who are part of a group of entities linked to each other in the financial, economic and organizational orders, provided that each entity resides in the territory of application (Iberian Peninsula & Balearic Islands). 

The application of this regime places the entities that compose the group in the obligation of Immediate Information Supply. 


      The tax base is determined by differentiation between:
  1. INTRAGROUP OPERATIONS –The tax base is calculated as the cost of intragroup operations with supported VAT (goods & services), provided that those operations give the right to VAT deduction, in accordance with article 94 LIVA. 
  2.  OPERATIONS WITH OTHER ENTITIES (which do not belong to the group)- Each entity oft he group calculates and declares individually its own VAT.
To calculate the liquidation, the entities of the group will apply the SPECIAL PRORRATE.


This VAT scheme has two levels: normal & advanced (article 163 sexies cinco, in relation to article 163, octies, uno & tres LIVA).

·         NORMAL – each entity belonging to the group makes a group declaration, considering the deliveries and provision of services and the acquisitions and imports with respect to the entity it declares.

·         ADVANCED – The parent entity presents a single declaration for the entire group of entities, subject to the individual agreement of each of the subsidiary entities. 


The VAT scheme of group of entities requires the individual agreement of the entities that have opted for its application. The agreement must be adopted by the Board of Directors in the month of December of the year immediately preceding the one in which the agreement produces its effects and it has a minimum validity of 3 YEARS in case of normal level, and 1 YEAR, in case of advanced level. These deadlines are automatically extended, unless expressly waived. 

The VAT scheme of groups of entities will cease:
  1. in case INDIRECT ESTIMATION becomes mandatory or
  2. in case of breach of obligations arising from this VAT scheme (e.g.: declarations).

The parent entity is responsible for the compliance of tax obligations derived from the VAT scheme of groups of entities; both the parent and each of the dependents are responsible their own individual obligations (article 164 LIVA).

The parent company is responsible for: 
  1. COMMUNICATING TO THE SPANISH TAX OFFICE the fulfillment of requisites, the adoption of correspondent agreements, the option for the aplication of this VAT scheme, the list of entities belonging to the group, any modification that affects the VAT scheme, waiver of the VAT scheme, option for the advanced level and waiver to the advanced level. 
  2. SUBMITING PERIODIC AUTOLIQUIDATIONS of the group of entities.
  3. HAVING AN ANALYTICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM, based on reasonable criteria of imputation of goods and services used, directly or inderectly, totally or partially, in the performance of operations referred to in article of LIVA.
For further information:

Wednesday, 22 January 2020


Investment gold are gold bullion/sheets of milesimal fineness 995 [1] and gold coins of milesimal fineness 900, minted after 1800, that have been legal tender in the country of origin, sold at a price that does not exceed 80% of the market value of the gold contained in them. [2]


In general terms, deliveries, EU acquisitions and imports of investment gold are exempt from VAT, but the taxable person may waive the exemption in some cases. Mediation services in these operations (on behalf of thirty parties) are also exempt. 

The exemption does not apply to EU acquisitions in which the provider of investment gold renounces the exemption. 

In case two possible exemptions were applicable (a gold investment and a EU acquisition one), investment gold one prevails. 


Providers of investment gold may waive the exemption in the following cases:  
  1. When they are regularly dedicated to produce investment gold or to transform non-investment gold in investment gold.
  2. In deliveries of gold which has been transformed into investment gold. 
  3. When the acquirer is a buisnessman or a professional.
The exemption can also be waived in case of mediation on behalf on thirty parties in exempt operations, provided that the acquirer is a businessman or a professional, and  when the provider had waived the exemption. 

The waiver must be done per operation, performed by the service provider and communicated in writing to the acquirer (prior or simultaneously to the acquisition). The acquirer also has to be informed in writing of his henceforth condition of taxpayer. 


In general terms, supported VAT is not deductible, since investment gold deliveries are exempt from VAT. 

Exceptionally, the following must be taken into account:
  1.  Exempt deliveries of gold investment generate the right to deduct supported VAT quotes when done by businessmen or professionals who have produced or transformed that investment gold. 
  2. Deliveries of exempt investment gold by businessmen who are not contemplated in a), generates the right to deduct.
  3. Supported VAT corresponding to the internal or EU acquisition of that investment gold, when the supplier had waived the exemption.
  4. Supported VAT corresponding to acquisition or import of investment gold, when it did not meet the pertinent requirements at the time of its acquisition or import.
  5. Supported VAT corresponding to services of change of form, weight or milesimal fineness.

In case of waive to the exemption by the provider, the taxable person of investment gold deliveries, is the recipient businessman or professional. 


Businessmen and professionals who carry out operations of investment gold must keep copies of all invoices corresponding to these operations within 5 years (article 140 sexies of VAT Law)

Businessmen and professionals who carry out gold investment operations and other kind of operations must pertinently separate the operations corresponding to each scheme in their VAT books. 

[1] Provided that the weight accomplishes addendum 9th of VAT Law.
[2] These requirements are accomplished in all coins related by the EUOD before 1st of December each year.

For further information: 

Tuesday, 21 January 2020


It is a voluntary VAT arrangement applicable to resellers, characterized by the form of calculation of the tax base.

It admits two modalities of tax base calculation: operation by operation and by global margin.


In this case, taxpayers can choose, in each operation, between the special regime or the general one.
If they choose the special regime, they calculate the tax base as follows:

GLOBAL MARGIN           

If the taxpayer opts for this modality, the tax base is calculated through an inventory, as follows:

If the result is negative, the difference is added to the purchases oft he last period; if the result is positive, it is added to the sales of the last period.

Invoices documenting this kind of deliveries cannot separate the VAT quota, for this is NOT DEDUCTIBLE for the client. If the delivery is destinated to another EU country, the invoice must state that the operation has been taxed in accordance to articles 312 to 315 of the Directive 2006/112/EU.

For further information: